Government spending on education in Sweden at 6.7% of GDP is among the highest in the world. As a result Sweden has a highly educated workforce and a well-approved education system.

Education at the mainly state-run higher education institutions is free, including boarding costs if necessary and a basic student grant of about SEK2000 (218€) a month. The high level of the Swedish educational system reflects in the successes of the country as well as in the creativity of its people.


There are six universities in Sweden: Uppsala, Lund, Stockholm, Gothenburg, Umeå and Luleå. The people of Sweden are happy to see talented young people study at these universities and usually these people are encouraged to stay and live in the country after they finished their studies.


The Söderström Foundation has been operating since 1986. The foundation was established to carry on sociological, psychological and educational researches in local and regional communities, which is its main activity up to day. Before decision making, international or government organizations depend on thorough researches and investigations and ask for the help of SF as well.


The foundation has been working with adjudicating scholarships to students and distributing teaching materials, books, computers, etc to educational institutes in countries with less developed educational systems (u-landsbistånd) since 1990.



Our projects for 2002 are coming out constantly, so be wise and check this web page or inquire at your local office so that you may find the best suitable scholarships or benefits to match your intentions.


Besides adjudicating scholarships and organising u-landsbistånd the main activity of the foundation is still scientific researches. If you are a researcher yourself in the fields of education or sociology you may find an extensive coverage of The Söderström Foundation's current scientific activities (including essays, reports and interviews) on the Internet as well. We also publish books and studies based on the scientific researches of the foundation and a list is annually published of the books and essays written and published by the foundation. 

See also the Project guide.