Söderströms Stiftelse Stockholm






Current Educational Projects


Utvidga Europa Stipendit och Sommaraktivitet Program 2002


We would like to start our Utvidga Europa ("Open Europe") Project again in 2002 early January. For the first time we are to receive students between 14 and 22 from outside Scandinavia and the European Union.

So far this project has only been available for citizens of Scandic countries and autonomous territories (Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Finland, Greenland and Åland), since 1998 it has been available for students in the EU. (See descriptions below). From 2002 this project will also be available for students in Poland, Hungary Estonia.


If you have already been participating in this project as a student, you already know that you have to apply for the scholarship through your national SF office in your country.

We would like to open the national offices as soon as possible in most of those countries (in Poland, Hungary and Estonia) where the programmes are new but it might take longer than what we had expected.


Even if we can't open the office on time for the deadline of the applications and you are from any of these countries, don't panic! We already have post boxes there and a volunteer staff to look out for your applications.


Students who are citizens to EU or Scandic countries can apply for six-week long Sommaraktivitet programmes or for scholarships that are tenable for the period of graduation at the chosen university in Sweden. Note that if you wish to apply for a university scholarship you must hold a secondary degree of education, equivalent to that of a three-year gymnasieskolan or 'upper secondary school' degree in Sweden.


For 2002 students of non-EU and non-Scandic countries can only apply for a three-week long but 100% financed Sommaraktivitet Program, which is an introduction and evaluation programme for higher educational scholarships. According to our plans from 2003 however we would like to make it possible for some of these students also to be able to participate in the long- term university scholarships in Sweden.






1. Nationality: Applicants must be nationals of the country to which the scholarships are offered.

2. Age: Applicants must be at least fourteen years and less than twenty-four years of age as of May 1, 2002 or see at description.

3. Academic Background: see the relevant descriptions at each project.

4. Health: Applicants must have no infectious diseases. In view of expected psychological burden due to cultural and environmental changes, mental health is essential.

5. Visa: Applicants need to be legally acceptable in Sweden.