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Bronislaw Misztal

Compiled by

Eddie Yeghiayan

·         "Apathy-Participation-Apathy: The Vicious Circle of Collective Behaviour in Contemporary Poland." In Bronislaw Misztal, ed., Poland After Solidarity: Social Movement versus the State , pp. 3-19. New Bru nswick, N.J. & Oxford: Transaction Books, 1985.

·         "Autobiographies, Diaries, Life-Histories, and Oral Histories of Workers as a Source of Socio-Historical Knowledge." International Journal of Oral History ( 1981), 2(3): 181-194. < /p>

·         "The Circulation of Cultural Patterns: The Centre and Periphery." Regiony [ Regions ] ( 1976), 1:39-54. In Polish.

·         (with Barbara A. Misztal.) "Democratization Processes as an Objective of New Social Movements." In Bronislaw Misztal, Louis Kriesberg, and Janusz Mucha, eds., Social Movements as a Factor of Change in the Cont emporary World , pp. 93-106. Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change: A Research Annual , 10. Greennwich, CT & London: JAI Press, 1988.

·         "Development of Towns, Urbanization and the Emerging Urban Life-Style in England." Studia Socjologiczne ( 1971), 3:203-222. In Polish.

·         "The Explanatory Ability of the Mainstream Marxist Theories of Socialist Society." Przyjaciel Nauk (November 1987). In Polish.

·         (with Barbara A. Misztal.) "The Explanatory Utility of Major Sociological Theories Developed in Poland 1970-1980." Sociology (May 1984), 18(2): 239-252.

·         "Fascination and Involvement: Current Theoretical Streams in American Urban Sociology." Studia Socjologiczne ( 1985), 3. In Polish.

·         (with Jacek Wasilewski.) "Genadores y Perdedores en Polonia despues del golpe militar de 1981." In Mercedes Vilanova, ed., El Poder En La Sociedad: Historia y fuente oral , pp. 121-135. Barc elona: Bosch, 1986.

·         Grupy rowiesnicze mlodziezy . Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im Ossolinskich, 1974.

·         (with Barbara A. Misztal.) "Images of Barriers to Social Development in Polish Sociological Thought." British Journal of Sociology (December 1985), 36(4): 574-585.

·         "The Intellectuals and Emigration: Relations between Time- Space and Emigration." Espaces et Sociètes . Forthcoming. In French.

·         "Interwining of the Central State and Local Politics in Poland." International Journal of Urban & Regional Sociology . Forthcoming.

·         "Macro-Social Determinants of Urban Social Problems in Poland." In Ewa Kwiatkowska, et al., eds., Urban Theory and the Social Problems of the Polish Cities , pp. 103-121. Wroclaw: Ossolineum Publishers, 1983.

·         "The Old, the New and the Alternative: Social Movements and Social Change in Eastern Europe." In Margit Mayer, ed., Social Movements . London: Holt, Rinehart & Winston. Forthcoming.

·         "One Movement, Two Interpretations: The Orange Movement in Poland." British Journal of Sociology . Forthcoming.

·         "The Orange Alternative Movement in Poland." The Orange Movement . Budapest: 1990. In Hungarian.

·         Peer Groups in Urban Socio-Political Culture . Warsaw: Ossolineum Publishers, 1974. In Polish.

·         "The Petite Bourgeoisie in Socialist Society." In Frank Bechhofer and Brian Elliott, eds., The Petite Bourgeoisie: Comparative Studies of the Uneasy Stratum , pp. 90-105. London: Macm illan; New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981.

·         "Plant Closing and the State Socialist Economy." Politics & Society . Forthcoming.

·         (with Bogdan Szajkowski.) Pluralism in Poland: The Polish Elections of 1989 . Brighton: Harvester Press. Forthcoming.

·         Edited, with a Foreword. Poland After Solidarity: Social Movements versus the State . New Brunswick, N.J. & Oxford: Transaction, 1985. Foreword, pp. vii-viii. Acknowledgments, pp. ix-x. Includes Misztal's "Apathy-Participation-Apathy," pp. 3-19 and "Social Movements against the State: Theoretical Legacy of the Welfare State," pp. 143-161.

·         (with P. Raina.) "Poland 1981: Towards Social Renewal." Politics (Australia) ( 1988), 23(1): 127.

·         "La Politique sociale en Pologne et les formes du travail social." Sociologie du Sud-Est ( 1981), 28-29:103-117. The Problems of Social Participation and Co-operation: An Analysis in the Light of Sociological Theory and Research . Warsaw: Ossolineum Publisher s, 1977. In Polish.

·         "The Recommodification of Housing in Poland, 1945-1985." In Willem van Vliet, ed., International Handbook of Housing Policies and Practices . New York: Greenwood Press, 1990.

·         Review of R.F. Miller and T.H. Rigby, eds., Religion and Politics in Communist States . Politics (Australia) ( 1987), 22(1): 147-148.

·         Review of Stuart Lowe's Urban Social Movements: The City after Castells . Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (July 1987), 23(2): 283-284.

·         "The Role of the Spontaneous and Controlled Processes in the Course of Socialist Urbanization." Studia Socjologiczne ( 1982), 3-4:115-134. In Polish.

·         "Scarce State Resources and the Unrestrained Social Processes under Socialism: The Case of Housing." In Willem van Vliet, ed., Housing Markets and Policies under Fiscal Austerity , pp. 191-20 3. Contributions in Sociology, 62. New York & London: Greenwood Press, 1987.

·         "Social Movements against the State: Theoretical Legacy of the Welfare State." In Bronislaw Misztal, ed., Poland After Solidarity: Social Movements versus the State , pp. 143-161. New Brunswick, N.J. &a mp; Oxford: Transaction, 1985.

·         Edited (with Louis Kriesberg and Janusz Mucha), and an Introduction and Foreword. Social Movements as a Factor of Change in the Contemporary World . Research in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change: A Research Annual , 10. Greennwich, CT & London: JAI Press, 1988. Foreword, pp. ix-x, Introduction, pp. xi-xiv. Also includes Misztal's "Democratization Processes as an Objective of New Social Movements," pp. 93-106.

·         (with Marek Zelazkiewicz.) "Social Movements in Eastern Europe." In Mats Friberg, ed., Social Movements in Europe . Gotenburg: The University of the United Nations and Gotenburg University, 1990.

·         "Social Movements of the Core and the Periphery." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (March 1988), 24(1): 65-82. See "Correction." Austral ian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (November 1988), 24(3): 474.

·         "Social Participation at the Age of Technological Civilisation." Studia Filozoficzne ( 1979), 9:75-85. In Polish.

·         Socjologia miasta: nauka i perspektywy praktycznych zastosowan . Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy CRZZ, 1978.

·         "Stability of the Socio-Political System in Poland: Revolutionary Processes and Their Totalitarian Epilogue." In Lawrence Biondi and Frank Mocha, eds., Poland's Solidarity Movement , pp. 161-193. Chicago, Ill.: Loyola University Press, 1984.

·         (with Barbara A. Misztal.) "The State's Capacity to Change: The Case of Poland and the Philippines." International Journal of Comparative Sociology (September-December 1986), 27(3-4): 141-160.

·         "`Teoria ruchow spolecznych' (`Sociological Theory of Social Movements')." Studia Socjologiczne ( 1984), 1:113-139.

·         (with Barbara A. Misztal.) "The Transformation of Political Elites." In Jack Bielasiak and Maurice D. Simon, eds., Polish Politics: Edge of the Abyss , pp. 169-185. New York: Prae ger, 1984.

·         (with Barbara A. Misztal.) "Uncontrolled Processes in the Socialist City: A Polish Case Study." Politics & Society ( 1986-87), 15(2): 145-156.

·         (with Barbara A. Misztal.) "Urban Social Problems in Poland: The Macrosocial Determinants." Urban Affairs Quarterly (March 1984), 19(3): 315-328.

·         "Urban Social Problems in Poland Revisited." Sociology . Forthcoming.

·         Urban Sociology: Theory and the Prospects of Practical Applications . Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy CRZZ Publishers, 1978. In Polish.

·         (with Jacek Wasilewski.) "Les Vainqueurs et les vaincus: La Pologne après décembre 1981." Life Stories/Récits de Vie ( 1986), 2:21-34.

·         "The Winners and Losers or the Life Paths to Class Positions under Critical Social Situations." American Sociological Review . Forthcoming.

·         "Workers' Autobiographies as a Source of Socio-Historical Knowledge." Drieje Najnowsze [ Recent History ] ( 1980), 2:139-151. In Polish.

·         Zagadnienia spolecznego uczestnictwa i wspoldzialania: analiza w swietle teorii i badan socjologicznych . Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im Ossolinskich, 1977.

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Eddie Yeghiayan