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Compiled by
"Apathy-Participation-Apathy: The Vicious Circle of
Collective Behaviour in Contemporary Poland." In Bronislaw Misztal, ed., Poland After Solidarity: Social Movement versus the State
, pp. 3-19. New Bru nswick, N.J. & Oxford: Transaction Books, 1985.
"Autobiographies, Diaries, Life-Histories, and Oral
Histories of Workers as a Source of Socio-Historical Knowledge."
International Journal of Oral History ( 1981),
2(3): 181-194. < /p>
"The Circulation of Cultural Patterns: The Centre and
Periphery." Regiony [ Regions
] ( 1976), 1:39-54. In Polish.
(with Barbara A. Misztal.) "Democratization Processes as
an Objective of New Social Movements." In Bronislaw Misztal, Louis Kriesberg,
and Janusz Mucha, eds., Social Movements as a Factor of Change
in the Cont emporary World , pp. 93-106. Research
in Social Movements, Conflicts and Change: A Research Annual , 10.
Greennwich, CT & London: JAI Press, 1988.
"Development of Towns, Urbanization and the Emerging
Urban Life-Style in England." Studia Socjologiczne ( 1971), 3:203-222. In Polish.
"The Explanatory Ability of the Mainstream Marxist
Theories of Socialist Society." Przyjaciel Nauk
(November 1987). In Polish.
(with Barbara A. Misztal.) "The Explanatory Utility of
Major Sociological Theories Developed in Poland 1970-1980."
Sociology (May 1984), 18(2): 239-252.
"Fascination and Involvement: Current Theoretical
Streams in American Urban Sociology." Studia Socjologiczne
( 1985), 3. In Polish.
(with Jacek Wasilewski.) "Genadores y Perdedores en
Polonia despues del golpe militar de 1981." In Mercedes Vilanova, ed.,
El Poder En La Sociedad: Historia y fuente oral , pp.
121-135. Barc elona: Bosch, 1986.
Grupy rowiesnicze mlodziezy . Wroclaw:
Zaklad Narodowy im Ossolinskich, 1974.
(with Barbara A. Misztal.) "Images of Barriers to Social
Development in Polish Sociological Thought." British Journal of
Sociology (December 1985), 36(4): 574-585.
"The Intellectuals and Emigration: Relations between
Time- Space and Emigration." Espaces et Sociètes .
Forthcoming. In French.
"Interwining of the Central State and Local Politics in
Poland." International Journal of Urban & Regional Sociology
. Forthcoming.
"Macro-Social Determinants of Urban Social Problems in
Poland." In Ewa Kwiatkowska, et al., eds., Urban Theory and the
Social Problems of the Polish Cities , pp. 103-121. Wroclaw: Ossolineum
Publishers, 1983.
"The Old, the New and the Alternative: Social Movements
and Social Change in Eastern Europe." In Margit Mayer, ed.,
Social Movements . London: Holt, Rinehart &
Winston. Forthcoming.
"One Movement, Two Interpretations: The Orange Movement
in Poland." British Journal of Sociology . Forthcoming.
"The Orange Alternative Movement in Poland."
The Orange Movement . Budapest: 1990. In
Peer Groups in Urban Socio-Political Culture
. Warsaw: Ossolineum Publishers, 1974. In Polish.
"The Petite Bourgeoisie in Socialist Society." In Frank
Bechhofer and Brian Elliott, eds., The Petite
Bourgeoisie: Comparative Studies of the Uneasy Stratum , pp. 90-105.
London: Macm illan; New York: St. Martin's Press,
"Plant Closing and the State Socialist Economy." Politics & Society . Forthcoming.
(with Bogdan Szajkowski.)
Pluralism in Poland: The Polish Elections of 1989
. Brighton: Harvester Press. Forthcoming.
Edited, with a Foreword. Poland
After Solidarity: Social Movements versus the State . New Brunswick, N.J.
& Oxford: Transaction, 1985. Foreword, pp. vii-viii.
Acknowledgments, pp. ix-x. Includes Misztal's "Apathy-Participation-Apathy," pp.
3-19 and "Social Movements against the State: Theoretical Legacy of the Welfare
State," pp. 143-161.
(with P. Raina.) "Poland 1981: Towards Social
Renewal." Politics (Australia) ( 1988), 23(1): 127.
"La Politique sociale en Pologne et les formes du
travail social." Sociologie du Sud-Est ( 1981),
28-29:103-117. The Problems of Social Participation and
Co-operation: An Analysis in the Light of Sociological Theory and Research
. Warsaw: Ossolineum Publisher s, 1977. In Polish.
"The Recommodification of Housing in Poland,
1945-1985." In Willem van Vliet, ed., International
Handbook of Housing Policies and Practices . New York: Greenwood Press, 1990.
Review of R.F. Miller and T.H. Rigby, eds.,
Religion and Politics in Communist States .
Politics (Australia) ( 1987), 22(1):
Review of Stuart Lowe's Urban
Social Movements: The City after Castells . Australian
and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (July 1987), 23(2): 283-284.
"The Role of the Spontaneous and Controlled Processes in
the Course of Socialist Urbanization." Studia Socjologiczne
( 1982), 3-4:115-134. In Polish.
"Scarce State Resources and the Unrestrained Social
Processes under Socialism: The Case of Housing." In Willem van Vliet, ed., Housing Markets and Policies under Fiscal Austerity , pp.
191-20 3. Contributions in Sociology, 62. New York & London: Greenwood Press, 1987.
"Social Movements against the State: Theoretical Legacy
of the Welfare State." In Bronislaw Misztal, ed., Poland After
Solidarity: Social Movements versus the State , pp. 143-161. New
Brunswick, N.J. &a mp; Oxford: Transaction, 1985.
Edited (with Louis Kriesberg and Janusz Mucha), and an
Introduction and Foreword. Social Movements as a Factor of
Change in the Contemporary World . Research in Social
Movements, Conflicts and Change: A Research Annual , 10. Greennwich, CT
& London: JAI Press, 1988. Foreword, pp. ix-x,
Introduction, pp. xi-xiv. Also includes Misztal's "Democratization Processes as
an Objective of New Social Movements," pp. 93-106.
(with Marek Zelazkiewicz.) "Social Movements in Eastern
Europe." In Mats Friberg, ed., Social Movements in
Europe . Gotenburg: The University of the United Nations and Gotenburg
University, 1990.
"Social Movements of the Core and the Periphery." Australian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology (March 1988), 24(1): 65-82. See "Correction."
Austral ian and New Zealand Journal of Sociology
(November 1988), 24(3): 474.
"Social Participation at the Age of Technological
Civilisation." Studia Filozoficzne ( 1979),
9:75-85. In Polish.
Socjologia miasta: nauka i perspektywy
praktycznych zastosowan . Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy CRZZ,
"Stability of the Socio-Political System in Poland:
Revolutionary Processes and Their Totalitarian Epilogue." In Lawrence Biondi and
Frank Mocha, eds., Poland's Solidarity Movement , pp.
161-193. Chicago, Ill.: Loyola University Press, 1984.
(with Barbara A. Misztal.) "The State's Capacity to
Change: The Case of Poland and the Philippines." International
Journal of Comparative Sociology (September-December 1986),
27(3-4): 141-160.
"`Teoria ruchow spolecznych' (`Sociological Theory of
Social Movements')." Studia Socjologiczne (
1984), 1:113-139.
(with Barbara A. Misztal.) "The Transformation of
Political Elites." In Jack Bielasiak and Maurice D. Simon, eds.,
Polish Politics: Edge of the Abyss , pp. 169-185. New York: Prae ger, 1984.
(with Barbara A. Misztal.) "Uncontrolled Processes in
the Socialist City: A Polish Case Study." Politics & Society
( 1986-87), 15(2): 145-156.
(with Barbara A. Misztal.) "Urban Social Problems in
Poland: The Macrosocial Determinants." Urban Affairs Quarterly
(March 1984), 19(3): 315-328.
"Urban Social Problems in Poland Revisited."
Sociology . Forthcoming.
Urban Sociology: Theory and the Prospects of
Practical Applications . Warsaw: Instytut Wydawniczy CRZZ Publishers, 1978. In Polish.
(with Jacek Wasilewski.) "Les Vainqueurs et les vaincus:
La Pologne après décembre 1981." Life Stories/Récits
de Vie ( 1986), 2:21-34.
"The Winners and Losers or the Life Paths to Class
Positions under Critical Social Situations." American
Sociological Review . Forthcoming.
"Workers' Autobiographies as a Source of
Socio-Historical Knowledge." Drieje Najnowsze [ Recent History ] ( 1980), 2:139-151. In
· Zagadnienia spolecznego uczestnictwa i wspoldzialania: analiza w swietle teorii i badan socjologicznych . Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im Ossolinskich, 1977.
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Eddie Yeghiayan